Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Storing & Organizing NYX Eyeshadow Pigments

One of my favorite affordable brands of makeup that I enjoy using is NYX. I purchase my NYX products at Ulta, but you can also find them online. I have always been a huge fan of eyeshadow pigments, for their versatility and vibrancy (despite how messy they can be). After purchasing MAC pigments for a while I decided to give the NYX ones a try and it turns out they're just as great as the MAC ones, and over $20 cheaper!! The only problem I have with the NYX pigments is they have a very small bottle design that doesn't let you access the make-up easily. As you can see from some photos below, you can't even put a small eyeshadow brush in these containers. So, with this issue, I came up with a super easy way to store and organize my different shadows and here it is:


All I do is transfer the pigments into a 7-day pill organizer that I purchased at the container store for $1.

Here is a picture of a few of my pigments transferred into the pill container:

Simply tap the bottom of the bottle and the pigments will fall out easily. (WARNING: You WILL make a mess!)

This is a comparison of trying to get pigments out of the original packaging vs. using the pill organizer: 


A perfect way to conveniently store your pigments without making a huge mess! Hope you enjoyed this tip and I'll see you again soon!


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