Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Save $ on TV & Movies

Alright everyone, so today I want to talk about something very important to me and my boyfriend- and that's TV and Movies. To us, there is nothing better than cuddling on the couch with an ice cold beer, eating pizza and watching a good 'ol scary movie. So how do we pay for all of these movies and TV shows we're watching? Let's discuss...

No Need To Bundle

A lot of people agree that bundling your services (TV, internet, phone) will save you tons of money and let's be honest, it does. But when you're a young couple with cell phones permanently attached to your hands, what's the point of landlines? For us, bundling just isn't the best option. After tons of research, I was also able to shop around and find extremely decently priced wireless internet through my city. So, with a good internet price and no need for a home phone, all that's left is TV...

The White Lie

From here, I chose the cheapest TV provider I could find with good reviews AND told a little white lie... I simply said that I was interested in their services because I had heard great things, but *other company* was charging X amount less for their new customer rate. Well darn it if they didn't give me a better deal! AND THEY DID! I was able to get my plan from $59.99 a month down to $39.99, all because I told them the other company was offering this. They want your business! Have it your way. So now, when you look at your $180 cable, internet and phone bill, ask yourself- is it really worth it? Do research and find out if you're really saving the money to bundle or if that's just a hoax. For some people it will be great savings, for others, not so much.

Overpriced Movie Channels!

One of the greatest things I ever had with my satellite TV package were the movie channels like HBO, Cinemax, Stars, etc... that was- until the introductory rate fell off and I had to start paying full price for them. $40 a month for movie channels that I hardly ever watch!? Oh my! I just couldn't do it!

One of the best ways to save money on your movie channels is to CANCEL them. Wait, what? Yep! That's right, cancel them. Now from there, you usually have 2 options. 1) No more movie channels, but you have another $40+ in your pocket every month for other things or 2) 'Wait a minute... You're cancelling?' Well they don't want you to do that. 'Why? It's too expensive you say? We can fix that!' Calling your cable or satellite provider and telling them you're canceling movie channels because you can't afford them anymore will more than likely get them to offer you another fantastic rate on movie channels. If they don't do it right away, they will probably give you a call several days later offering you a new package. Just remember, when you start a new package, your subscription starts over.

Now for me, I decided I didn't need to continue with movie channels because we just weren't watching them enough. Why? Well, I work a lot and movies that I am interested in just aren't on when I can watch them. Sure I could DVR them, but the options are still slim. So what did we decide to do?... Netflix!


Okay so if you honestly don't know what Netflix is, it was once a DVD rental service where you ordered DVDs online and they mailed them right to your house for a small fee. NOW, Netflix has switched to primarily streaming videos. You can watch online, on your tablet or smartphone, your PS3, Tivo, Blueray player and much more! For only $7.99 a month my boyfriend and I watch countless movies and TV shows from dozens of different genres. At this point, the 8 bucks a month is really worth it for us. If we weren't watching it so much, I would probably unsubscribe, but for now it's awesome! The great thing about Netflix is that you can suspend your subscription or put it on hold until you can afford to pay for it again. They are constantly offering free trials for a month or more, so I recommend giving it a try if you're interested. If you're not happy with it before the trial is over, you can unsubscribe and go on about your life. :)

Well, I hope these quick tips help you to save tons of money on your movie and TV watching experiences- They sure have worked for us! Leave comments and questions below and I'll see you again soon!



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